FTX-debitorer rapporterer underskud på 8,9 mia. USD i kundemidler og 'meget blandede' aktiver i seneste præsentation

marts 2, 2023, FTX-debitorer udgav deres anden interessentpræsentation, som indeholder en foreløbig analyse af den nu hedengangne ​​cryptocurrency-børs’s mangler. Den seneste præsentation afslører en betydelig mangel, som cirka $2.2 milliarder af virksomheden’s samlede aktiver blev fundet i…

Kraken CEO: Regulatorer lader skurke blive store og sprænge i luften for at tjene deres dagsorden

The CEO of crypto exchange Kraken, Jesse Powell, says U.S. regulatorer “let the bad guys get big and blow up because it serves their agenda.The executive explained: “Bad guys operate with huge competitive advantages. They suck up users, indtægter, og…

Binance standser ind- og udbetalinger i amerikanske dollar via bankkonti

Global crypto exchange Binance is suspending deposits and withdrawals in U.S. dollars via bank accounts starting Wednesday as more and more banking institutions try to reduce their exposure to the crypto market. “We are working hard to restart service as soon

Storbritannien annoncerer planer for 'robuste' kryptoregler, Lancerer konsultation

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Alameda Research Seeks $446 Millioner over påståede 'præferenceoverførsler' til Voyager Digital

På mandag, Alameda Research Ltd. filed a legal complaint against Voyager Digital LLC and HTC Trading Inc. i U.S.A. bankruptcy court. The complaint alleges the defendants received preferential transfers of property from Alameda Research and the plaintiffs are seeking to

Amerikansk senator fokuserede på nedkæmpelse af krypto-hvidvaskning af penge - opfordrer kongressen, Regulatorer skal handle

OS. Senator Elizabeth Warren har opfordret Kongressen til at sikre regulatorer, såsom Securities and Exchange Commission (SEK), har værktøjerne til at regulere kryptoindustrien effektivt og slå ned på kryptohvidvaskningsaktiviteter. “Den nuværende juridiske struktur i det væsentlige…

Crypto Association i Tyrkiet lover at blokere udvekslinger, der "ofrer handlende"

A new organization has been established in Turkey with the aim to monitor and help develop the country’s crypto sector, det rapporterede lokale medier. Its first task will be to address recent problems with some cryptocurrency exchanges and boost confidence in the

Jim Cramer siger, at undgå krypto, Hold fast i guld for 'rigtig hæk' mod inflation og økonomisk kaos

The host of Mad Money, Jim Cramer, has advised investors to avoid crypto and stick with gold if theyseriously want a real hedge against inflation or economic chaos.He added that bitcoin is too volatile to use as a currency….

USA's regering beslaglægger $700 Millioner i aktiver fra skændte FTX-medstifter Sam Bankman-Fried

Føderale anklagere har beslaglagt $697 millioner i aktiver, består for det meste af mere end 56 millioner Robinhood-aktier til en værdi $526 million, fra FTX medstifter Sam Bankman-Fried. Retsdokumenter oplyste i detaljer, at U.S. regeringen beslaglagde en række bankkonti tilhørende Bankman-Fried,…

Nexo Bitcoin-tilbagetrækninger stiger efter angreb på bulgarske kontorer

After the offices of crypto lender Nexo were raided in Bulgaria, the digital currency lending platform experienced a significant amount of withdrawals starting Jan. 12, 2023. An archived snapshot of Nexos real-time attestation shows that the company held 133,263 bitcoin on